Confidence earned.

Innovative solutions and seamless execution to help reduce your risk exposure.

We recognize what it takes to remain competitive – and the importance of reducing your exposure to economic, market, and accounting risks. For corporations, institutions or governments, we work with you to address your currency, commodity, equity, interest rate and credit market risk needs by delivering leading-edge ideas with seamless execution.

Credit and Interest Rate Derivatives

Our risk management professionals are the Canadian market leaders in providing innovative derivative products – consistently ranked #1 in independent surveys. We have an exceptional track record of lead mandates that exemplify our excellence in delivering customized solutions and superior execution. We specialize in government debt trading and derivatives, with Primary Dealer Status in a growing number of countries including Canada, France, Germany, the United States and the U.K.

Bob Nguyen
Managing Director and Head, Corporate Fixed Income Origination

Phone: 416-863-7979

Scott Charlton
Managing Director and Head, Corporate Derivative Products Group, Canada

Phone: 416-866-7271

Chris Kulina
Managing Director, Corporate Derivative Products Group, U.S.

Phone: 212-225-5516

Commodity Derivatives

We deliver customized risk management and financing solutions to producers and consumers globally. Our team’s expertise encompasses a range of commodity products across Energy including crude oil, refined products, natural gas, electric power and emissions. Our clients benefit from our detailed knowledge of the commodity markets and full-service product suite, from vanilla hedging to structured financing solutions.

Our Commodity Index team develops and markets indexes including enhanced Beta and Risk Premium strategies. The underlying sectors include Energy, Grains, Livestock, and Softs. Our commodity hedging and structuring expertise is extended into the indexing area and enhances our commodity index and strategies business.

Equity Derivatives

Our equity derivatives team creates tailored equity-based hedging and risk management solutions. We work with institutional and corporate clients to offer compensation hedging, enhanced share buy-back and share disposition strategies, as well as structured financing solutions. Our team also provides hedging and equity monetization solutions to high net worth individuals.

Dale Cheeseman
Managing Director and Head, Global Equity Derivatives,

Phone: 416-862-3252

Gary Nathanson
Managing Director and Head, US Equity Derivatives and Investor Solutions

Phone: 212-225-5582

Foreign Exchange

Scotiabank is a leading provider of foreign exchange services for institutional, government, corporate, commercial and small business clients. We have the expertise and resources to manage your foreign exchange exposure in developed and emerging markets. With trading desks and sales presence around the world, we provide 24-hour global coverage and trade execution through currency experts in major financial centres. We also provide comprehensive e-trading solutions through multi-bank platforms and our proprietary platform ScotiaFX.

Learn More

Ryan O'Keefe
Managing Director and Head, Corporate/Commercial and Retail FX Sales

Phone: 1-800-387-0821

Benjamin Gibson
Managing Director and Head, U.S. FX Sales

Phone: 212-225-5556

Scott Morrison
Managing Director and Head, Commercial Derivative Products and FX Sales

Phone: 416-945-6697

Brendan Stark
Managing Director and Head, Institutional FX Sales

Phone: 1-800-369-1542

General Client Services

Need assistance? Our ScotiaFX Client Services Team is ready to help.

North America

Phone: 1-877-389-3669


Phone: 1-800-9997-2391

Asia Pacific

Phone: 1-852-2861-4770